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Your Oral Health Matters to Us

Perfect Smile with Premier Dental Experts

Discover excellence in dental care in Almancil! At Colombo & Silva Dental Clinic, located in Almancil, we combine years of experience and cutting-edge technology to offer the best dental treatments. Our clinic is recognized for its quality and commitment to the oral health of our patients. Schedule your appointment with us now and enjoy personalized service and high-quality care. We are here to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, radiant smile. Come visit us in Almancil and trust your oral health to our specialized team at Colombo & Silva Dental Clinic.

About Company

Excellence in Dental Care is Our Commitment

Colombo & Silva Dental Clinic has its roots firmly planted in the family tradition of excellent dental care. Founded by two renowned professionals, doctors Glória Silva and Juan Colombo, the clinic represents the third generation of a family dedicated to dentistry.


Our Services

Our Procedures

At Colombo & Silva Dental Clinic, we offer a wide range of dental treatments to meet the varied needs of our patients. From basic oral hygiene procedures to advanced treatments, our team of experts is prepared to provide personalized, high-quality care.

Pediatric Dentistry

We offer specialized services in pediatric dentistry, dedicated to caring for children's oral health. Our team of pediatric dentists is trained to deal with children's specific needs, providing a comfortable and positive experience in the office.

Restorative Care

Our aesthetic treatments aim to improve the appearance of your smile, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and aesthetic restorations.


Under the supervision of Dr. Glória Silva, we offer orthodontic treatments to correct malocclusion and align teeth, including options such as Invisalign for a discreet and comfortable approach.

Gum Health

We treat gum disease and provide periodontal therapies to maintain the health of tooth-supporting tissues.

Professional Results

The Best Possible Results


Dental Check-ups

Our experts will assess your oral health, perform a deep cleaning to remove accumulated plaque and tartar, and provide personalized recommendations for any additional treatment needed.

Restorative Dentistry

Our procedures include composite resin restorations, porcelain veneers and aesthetic crowns

Preventive Dentistry

We carry out regular dental checkups to monitor the development of children's teeth and identify any problems early


If you are experiencing a dental emergency such as severe pain, trauma, or a broken tooth, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Emergency Dental

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Main Features

Serving Patients with Dedication with Our Best Features


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© 2024 Colombo & Silva – Dental Clinic – Almancil